Pulmonology Books


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3D Medical Animation of DVT & Pulmonary Embolism
ABC of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease — Definition, epidemiology, and risk factors Devereux 2006
Acute and Chronic Cough Redington 2005
Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease — Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Management Barnes
Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology — Essentials for Respiratory Care Jardins 2002
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease — Pathogenesis to Treatment Chadwick 2001
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease At Your Fingertips Miles 2005
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Critical Debates Pearson 2003
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Primary Care Barnett 2006
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Primary Care Bellamy 2004
Clinical Exercise Testing Ward 2007

Clinics in chest medicine 2002-2007

2002, Vol.23. Issues 1, Lung Cancer
2002, Vol.23. Issues 2, Tropical Lung Diseases
2002, Vol.23. Issues 3, Nontuberculous Mycobacterium Infections
2002, Vol.23. Issues 4, Occupational and Environmental Lung Disease
2003, Vol.24. Issues 1, Pulmonary Embolism
2003, Vol.24. Issues 2, Sleep Disorders
2003, Vol.24. Issues 3, Artificial Airways
2003, Vol.24. Issues 4, Nonpulmonary Critical Care
2004, Vol.25. Issues 1, Iatrogenic Respiratory Diseases
2004, Vol.25. Issues 2, Sex, Gender, and Respiratory Health and Disease
2004, Vol.25. Issues 3, Interstitial Lung Disease — Non-idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonia
2004, Vol.25. Issues 4, Interstitial Lung Disease Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonia
2005, Vol.26. Issues 1, Pneumonia in the Hospital Setting
2005, Vol.26. Issues 2, Tuberculosis
2005, Vol.26. Issues 3, The Lung in Extreme Environments
2005, Vol.26. Issues 4, Pulmonary Considerations in Organ and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
2006, Vol.27. Issues 1, Asthma
2006, Vol.27. Issues 2, Pleural Disease
2006, Vol.27. Issues 3, Health Care Disparities — Respiratory Health in Minorities
2006, Vol.27. Issues 4, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
2007, Vol.28. Issues 1, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
2007, Vol.28. Issues 2, Cystic Fibrosis
2007, Vol.28. Issues 3, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Comprehensive managemrnt of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Bourbeau 2002
Control of Breathing in Health and Disease Altose 1999
Crash course — Respiratory system Myers 2007
Cystic Fibrosis in the 21st Century Bush 2006
Emergency Asthma Brenner 1999
Evidence-based management of patients with respiratory failure Esteban 2004
Guidelines for the programmatic management of drug-resistant tuberculosis WHO 2006
History and examination of the Respiratory system
Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests — A Practical Guide, 2nd Ed Hyatt 2003
Interstitial Lung Disease Schwartz 2003
Introduction to PFT
Lung surfactants — basic science and clinical applications Notter 2000
Management of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Larsson 2006
Molecular Imaging of the Lungs Schuster
Mucus Hypersecretion in Respiratory Disease Chadwick 2002
Murray & Nadel’s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine 4 ed 2006
Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Medicine Chapman 2005
Pharmacotherapy in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Celli 2004
Pharmacotherapy of Asthma Li 2006
Pleural Disease Bouros 2004
Pleural Diseases 5e Light 2007
Pneumonia in the hospital setting Kollef 2005
Pulmonary function testing and cardiopulmonary stress testing 2 ed Madama 1998
Pulmonary Physiology 7 ed Levitzky 2007
Pulmonary Respiratory Therapy Secrets 3E Parsons 2006
Respiratiry Care of Clinics of North America 12 — Ventilation mechanica Cheifetz 2006
Rhinologic and Sleep Apnea Surgical Techniques 1st ed Kountakis 2007
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Steven Lehrer — Understanding Lung Sounds Audio CD
Taley long Respiratory system
The Allergy and Asthma Cure — A Complete 8-step Nutritional Program PESCATORE 2003
The Washington Manual Pulmonary Medicine Subspecialty Consult, 1st Ed Shifren 2006
The WHO manual of diagnostic imaging — Radiographic of the Chest Anatomy and Interpretation and the Pulmonar System Ostensen 2006
Tuberculosis Schluger 2005
Диагностика и лечение органов дыхания Милькаманович 1997
Дифференциальная рентгенодиагностика заболеваний органов дыхания и средостения т 1 Розенштраух 1991
Дифференциальная рентгенодиагностика заболеваний органов дыхания и средостения т 2 Розенштраух 1991
Дыхательная недостаточность Адроге 2003
Спирография для профессионалов Старшов Смирнов 2003
Стандарты по диагностике и лечению больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких 2005
Хронические обструктивные болезни легких Чучалин 2000