Medical Imaging and Radiology Books 4 DVD


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A textbook of radiology and imaging Sutton
Abdominal x-rays made easy Begg 1999
Applications of Synchrotron Radiation — Micro Beams in Cell Micro Biology and Medicine Ide-Ektessabi 2007
Atlas of Nuclear Medicine Variants Ryo 1995
Basic and new aspects of gastrointestinal ultrasonography Odegaard 2005
Basic Physics of Nuclear Medicine Maher 2006
Cardiac CT Imaging — Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disease Budoff 2006
Chest & Heart Radiography
Classic Papers in Modern Diagnostic Radiology Thomas 2005
Clinical Imaging — An Atlas of Differential Diagnosis 4th Ed Eisenberg 2003
Combined Scintigraphic and Radiographic Diagnosis of Bone and Joint Diseases 2 Ed Bahk
Computed Body Tomography with MRI Correlation 4th ed Lee 2006
Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance of the Thorax, 4th Ed Naidich 2007
Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound in Clinical Practice
CT Abdomen and Pelvis Atlas
CT Chest Atlas
Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging — Blood Flow Measurements Kirk Shung 2006
Diseases of the Abdomen and Pelvis — Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Techniques Hodler 2006
Diseases of the Heart, Chest & Breast — Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Techniques 1st ed Hodler 2007
Dynamic Radiology of the Abdomen — Normal and Pathologic Anatomy 5 Ed Meyers 2005
European Radiology Supplement 2005
Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology, 3rd ed Brant 2007
Getting Started in Clinical Radiology — from Image to Diagnosis Eastman 2006
Interventinal Radiology Adam
Interventional Radiology in Pain Treatment Kastler 2007
Introduction to GI Radiology
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Stoller 2007
Magnetic Resonance in Epilepsy Kuzniecky 2004
Mathematics and Physics of Emerging Biomedical Imaging 1996
Medical Students Guide to the Plain Chest Film Donnelly 2006
MRI — Basic Principles and Applications Brown 2003
MRI Physics for Physicians Horowitz 1989
Musculoskeletal Diseases — Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Techniques von Schulthess 2005
Nuclear Medicine Leslie 2003
Nuclear Medicine Resources Manual 2006
Nuclear Medicine Text Minnie 2006
Nuclear Medicine Therapy Eary 2007
Paediatric Radiolog Haller 2005
Pediatric Nuclear Medicine PET 3rd Treves 2007
Pet — physics, instrumentation, and scanners phelps 2006
PET Chemistry — The Driving Force in Molecular Imaging Schubiger 2007
PET CT in Clinical Practice 1st ed Lynch 2007
Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Volume II Thorax, Heart, Abdomen, and Pelvis 3rd ed Moeller 2006
Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy Computer Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging — Volume 3 Spine, Extremeties, Joints Moeller 2007
Quantitative Functional Brain Imaging with Positron Emission Tomography Carson 1998
Quantitative MRI of the Brain — Measuring Changes Caused by Disease Tofts 2003
Radiation Physics for Medical Physiscists Podgorsak 2006
Radiation protection — A guide for scientists regulators and physicians Shapiro 2002
Radiologic clinics of north america — Essentials of thoracic imaging Chiles 2005
Radiologic clinics of north america neuroradiology Wolf 2005
Radiological Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer — A new Outlook Portnoy 2006
Radiological Protection for Medical Exposure to Ionizing Radiation 2002
Radiology of the Postoperative GI Tract Javors 2003
Research and Development in Breast Ultrasound Ueno 2005
Small-animal spect imaging Kupinski 2005
Spinal Trauma — Imaging, Diagnosis, and Management Schwartz 2007
The Core Curriculum — Cardiopulmonary Imaging Kazerooni 2004
The Physics of Radiation Therapy 3rd Ed Khan 2003
The Physics of radiology 4 ed Johns 1983
Tumor Ablation — Principles and Practice van Sonnenberg
Ultrasonography in Vascular Diagnosis — A Therapy-Oriented Textbook and Atlas Schaberle 2005
Диагностический ультразвук. Уронефрология. Практическое руководство Зубарев 2002
Применение ультразвука в медицине — физические основы Хилл 1989