Лекции по фармакологии для подготовки к USMLE step1.
Лектор — Dr. Lionel Raymon
Часть 1: General Principles:
ch1. Pharmacokinetics
ch2. Pharmakodynamics
Часть 2: — Autonomic Pharmacology:
ch1. The Automonic Nervous System
ch2. Cholinergic Pharmacology
ch3. Adrenergic Pharmacology
ch4. Glaukoma Treatment
ch5. Practice Problems
Часть 3: Cardiac and Renal
Часть 4: CNS
Часть 5: Antimicrobials
Часть 6: Inflammatory
Часть 7: Anticoagulants and Thrombolytic
части 8, 9, и 10: Endocrine, Anticancer, Immunomodulators, and Toxicology