100 Super Supplements for a Longer Life Murray 2000
Acrylamide and other hazardous compounds in heat-treated foods Skog 2006
Adipose tissue and adipokines in health and disease Fantuzzi 2007
Advanced Nutrition Micronutrients Berdanier 1998
Advances in Food Mycology Hocking 2006
Anti-Angiogenic Functional and Medicinal Foods Losso 2007
Bioactive Components of Milk Bosze 2008
Bioactive Egg Compounds Huopalahti 2007
Burgerstein’s Handbook of Nutrition — Micronutrients in the Prevention and Therapy of Disease Zimmermann 2001
Chinese Nutrition Therapy — Dietetics in Traditional Chinese medicine Kastner 2004
Crash Course — Metabolism and Nutrition Clark 2005
Development and Processing of Vegetable Oils for Human Nutrition Przybylski 1995
Dictionary of food compounds — additives, flavors, and ingredients Yannai 2004
Dictionary of food ingredients 4Ed Igoe 2001
Diet Diversification and Health Promotion Elmadfa 2005
Dietary Proteins and Atherosclerosis Debry 2004
Dietary Supplements — A Framework for Evaluating Safety
Dietary supplements and health Novartis 2007
Dietary Supplements of Plant Origin — A nutrition and health approach Maffei 2003
Digestive Wellness 3 Ed
Encyclopedia of Food and Culture Volume 1 — Acceptance to Food Politics Katz 2003
Encyclopedia of Food and Culture Volume 2 — Food Production to Nuts Katz 2003
Encyclopedia of Food and Culture Volume 3 — Obesity to Zoroastrianism, Index Katz 2003
Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition 2 ed CABALLERO 2005
EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN DIET — The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable Ungar 2007
Fatty acids in foods and their health implications 3 ed Chow 2008
FETAL NUTRITION AND ADULT DISEASE — Programming of Chronic Disease through Fetal Exposure to Undernutrition Langley-Evans 2004
Food Chemicals Codex 5th Ed 2004
Food Consumption and disease risk Consumer-pathogen interactions Potter 2006
Food quality assurance — Principles and Practices Alli 2004
Food Shelf Life Stability — Chemical, Biochemical, and Microbiological Changes Eskin 2001
Functional dairy products Volume 2 Saarela 2007
Functional Foods, Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetis Arnoldi 2004
Halal Food Production Riaz 2004
Handbook of Minerals as Nutritional Supplements DiSilvestro 2005
Handbook of nutrition and food 2 ed Berdanier 2008
Handbook of Nutrition and Ophthalmology Semba 2007
Handbook of spices, seasonings, and flavorings 2 ed Raghavan 2007
IGF and Nutrition in Health and Disease Houston
International Handbook of Foodborne Pathogens MILIOTIS 2003
Inulin-Type Fructans Functional Food Ingredients Roberfroid 2005
Manual of Pediatric Nutrition Hendricks
Micronutrients and HIV Infection Friis 2002
Molecular Basis of Human Nutrition Sanders 2003
Molecular Gastronomy — Exploring the Science of Flavor This 2006
Molecular Nutrition and Genomics — Nutrition and the Ascent of Humankind Lucock 2007
More on Mediterranean Diets Simopoulos 2007
Nutrient-Gene Interactions in Health and Disease Moustaid-Moussa 2001
Nutrigenomics Rimbach 2005
Nutrition — a handbook for community nurses BUTTRISS 2001
Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries Semba 2001
Nutrition and the Eye — Basic and Clinical Research Augustin 2005
Nutrition and Wound Healing Molnar 2007
Nutrition Support for Infants and Children at Risk Cooke 2007
Nutritional Biochemistry 2nd ed Brody 1999
Nutritional health — strategies for disease prevention Wilson 2001
Nutritional Management of Diabetes Mellitus and Dysmetabolic Syndrome Bantle 2006
Personalized nutrition — principles and applications Kok 2008
Phytochemicals — Nutrient-Gene Interactions Meskin 2006
Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease From the Cholesterol Hypothesis to w6-w3 Balance Simopoulos 2007
Preventive Nutrition — The Comprehensive Guide for Health Professionals 2 ed Bendich 2001
Protein and Energy Requirements in Infancy and Childhood Rigo 2006
Shrink Yourself Break Free from Emotional Eating Forever Gould 2007
Spirulina in human nutrition and health Gershwin 2008
The Fat-Burning Bible [c] 28 Days of Foods, Supplements, and Workouts that Help You Lose Weight Shilstone 2004
The Mediterranean Diet — Constituents and Health Promotion Matalas 2001
The Nutritional Biochemistry of Chromium-III Vincent 2007
The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet — Maximize the Power of Omega-3s to Supercharge Your Health, Battle Inflammation, and Keep Your Mind Sharp TRIBOLE 2007
TRYPTOPHAN — Biochemical and Health Implications Sidransky 2002
Vegetarian Nutrition Sabate 2001
Vitamins in Foods — Analysis Bioavailability and Stability Ball 2006
You on a diet — The Owner’s manual for Waist management Roizen 2006
Диетическое питание при заболеваниях желчного пузыря Павлова 1997
Как выбрать продукты без трансгенов справочник потребителя 2006
Ортотрофия. Основы правильного питания Шелтон 1992
Химический состав пищевых продуктов т.1 Справочные таблицы содержания основных пищевых веществ и энергетической ценности пищевых продуктов Скурихин 1987
Химический состав пищевых продуктов т.2 Справочные таблицы содержания аминокислот, жирных кислот, витаминов, макро и микроэлементов, органических кислот и углеводов 1987
Химический состав Российских продуктов питания 2002