Urology 1998 Cornell in Salzburg


Артикул: 156 Категории: ,


Лекции по темам:
Contact and Extracorporeal Lithotripters: When to Use Them?
Evaluation of the Patient with Renal Tract Stone Deseasebr
Treatment of Complex Stonesbr
Laparoscopy in Urologybr
Diagnosis and Management of Adrenal Disordersbr
Basic Urodynamicsbr
Prostate Ultrasound and Biopsy
Newer Modalities for Total Androgen Depreviation
Office Work-up in Infertility
Medical and Surgical Management of Infertility
Bladder Cancer: Surgery and Choice of Urinary Deversion
Work-Up and Treatment of the Solid Renal Mass
Bladder Cancer:TURBT and Intravesical Therapy
New Technology and Surgery for BPH
Diagnosis and Work-Up for Prostate Cancer
Treatment of Prostate Cancer Stage by Stage