Артроскопическая хирургия плечевого сустава
OR Setup for Stereoarthroscopy
MGHL Reconstruction
Bursa Preparation
Two Cameras Intraarticular and Subacromial
Two Cameras Joint with Ligaments
Two Cameras Intraarticular Ligaments
ASD and AC Resection
Rotator Cuff Rupture: How to Refixate the SSP
Subacromial Visualization
Spina Scapula Preparation
Rotator Cuff stitch direction-Nevasier Portal
Rotator Cuff: correct position of stitch articular and bursa view
Anatomy of stitch direction
Anatomy Biceps, MGHL, IGHL, Axilla
Intraarticular two Cameras MGHL, SSC Labrum IGHL
Anatomy Cuff and Intraarticular Ligaments
Anatomy Intraarticular Ligaments
Arthoscopic view Part I
Anatomy Intraarticular Ligaments Arthoscopic view Part II