Ophthalmology Books 6 DVD


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2011-2012 Basic and Clinical Science Course

Section 1 Update on General Medicine
Section 10 Glaucoma
Section 11 Lens and Cataract
Section 12 Retina and Vitreous
Section 13 Refractive Surgery
Section 2 Fundamentals and Principles of Ophthalmology
Section 3 Clinical Optics
Section 4 Ophthalmic Pathology and Intraocular Tumors
Section 5 Neuro-Ophthalmology
Section 6 Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Section 7 Orbit, Eyelids, and Lacrimal System
Section 8 External Disease and Cornea
Section 9 Intraocular Inflammation and Uveitis

MCQs_Q&A_Книги для тестирования знаний_вопросы и ответы

Basic Sciences in Ophthalmology A Self Assessment Text_Ferris_1999
Clinical Guidelines for Ophthalmologists
Eye of the Beholder
Fluorescein Angiography
MCQs for Final MRCOphth
Model answers for Part I MRCOphth Short Answer Paper
Neuro-ophthalmology self tests
Ocular Anatomy and Neuroanatomy for Part I MRCOphth
Ocular Pathology Self-tests Volume I
Ocular Pathology Self-tests Volume II
Ocular Pathology Self-tests Volume III
Remembrance of things past a history of ophthalmology
Studies and trials you need to know for MRCOphth_MRCS_FRCS
MCQs e-Books on Ophthalmology for MRCOphth
MCQs in Basic Sciences_Chung Nen_2006
Ophthalmology_Picture Tests_Kanski_1997
Opthalmology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes_Fowler_2002
Review Questions in Ophthalmology_Chern, Wright_2005
Self-tests in Optic and Refraction_Chung Nen_2007
Short Answer Questions For The MRCOpth Part 1_2005
The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Review Manual for Ophthalmology 3rd edition_Jager, Lamkin_2006
The Ophthalmology Examinations Review_Wong_2001

A Colour Atlas of Optic Disc Abnormalities Kritzinger, Beaumont 1987
A Textbook of Clinical Ophthalmlogy A Practical Guide to Disorders of The Eyes and Their Management 3rd edition Crick, Khaw 2003
A Textbook of Ophthalmology 2nd edition Ahmed 2001
A Visual Field Evaluation with Automated Devices 2nd edition Reddy 2006
Advanced Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Erian, Shiffman 2011
Advances in Ophthalmology Rumelt 2012
Amblyopia a multidisciplinary approach Moseley, Alistair 2002
An instrument in Gods Hand Vaughan 1999
Anti-VEGF Bandello, Parodi, Augustin 2010
Artisan Lens Effects on Vision Quality, the Corneal Endothelium and Vision-Related Quality of Life Saxena, 2009
Arvind’s Atlas of Fungal Corneal Ulcers Prajna 2008
Asian Blepharoplasty and the Eyelid Crease Chen 2006
Atlas of Uveitis and Scleritis Ganesh,Agarwal,George,Biswas 2005
Basic Sciences in Ophthalmology Velayutham 2009
Becker-Shaffer’s Diagnosis and Therapy of the Glaucomas Stamper, Lieberman, Drake 2009
Better Eyesight The Complete Magazines of William H. Bates Quackenbush 2000
Chemical Ocular Burns New Understanding and Treatments Schrage, Burgher, Blomet 2010
Clinical and molecular analysis of autosomal dominant retinal dystrophies Lith-Verhoeven 2004
Clinical Cases in Contact Lens Watanabe 2002
Clinical Ophthalmology A Systematic Approach 7th Edition Kanski, Bowling 2011
Clinical Orthoptics 3rd edition Rowe 2012
Clinical Pathways In Vitreoretinal Disease Steidl, Hartnett 2003
Clinical Strabismus Management Principles and Surgical Techniques Rosenbaum, Santiago 1999
Conjunctivitis A Complex and Multifaceted Disorder Pelikan 2011
Considerations in Contact Lens Use Under Adverse Conditions Proceedings of a Symposium Flattau 1991
Contact Lenses A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References Parker 2003
CORNEA Atlas 2nd edition Krachmer, Palay 2006
Corneal Disease Recent Developments in Diagnosis and Therapy Reinhard, Larkin 2012
Corneal Endothelial Transplant (DSAEK, DMEK & DLEK) John 2010
Corneal Surgery Theory, Technique and Tissue 4th edition Brightbill 2009
Corneal Ulcers – Diagnosis and Management Sharma, Vajpayee 2008
Diabetic Retinopathy Shamsul Ola 2012
Diabetic RetinopathyThe Essentials 1st edition Wu 2010
Digital Teleretinal Screening Teleophthalmology in Practice Yogesan, Goldschmidt, Cuadros 2012
Diseases of the Cornea Basak 2011
Dr. Agarwal’s Textbook on Corneal Topography Including Pentacam and Anterior Segment OCT 2nd edition Agarwal, Jacob 2010
Dr. Hoyo’s Step by Step Astigmatic Ablation Cigale, Hoyos 2006
Eccentric Viewing Spectacles including An Introduction in Low Vision Rehabilitation Verezen 2008
Elucidation of the genetic causes of retinal detachment Go 2006
Essentials in Ophthalmology Cornea and External Eye Disease Reinhard Larkin 2010
Essentials in Ophthalmology Glaucoma Grehn, Stamper 2008
Essentials in Ophthalmology Medical Retina Focus On Retinal Imaging Holz, Speide 2010
Evidence-based Approach in Cataract Surgery Bhopi 2004
Examination Techniques and Cases for Final MRCOphth, MRCS. FRCS Chua 2002
Experimental Approaches to Diabetic Retinopathy Hammes, Porta 2010
Eye Essentials Binocular Vision Evans 2005
Eye Essentials Diabetes and the Eye Steele, Steel 2008
Eye Essentials Rigid Gas-Permeable Lens Fitting Franklin 2006
Eye Surgery An Introduction to Operative Technique Eisner 1990
Eye Surgery in Hot Climates Sanford-Smith, Hughes 1994
Eye, Retina, and Visual System of the Mouse Chalupa, Williams 2008
Fundoscopy Made Easy Ming 2009
Gass’ Atlas of MacUlar Diseases 5th edition Agarwal 2012
Genetic Diseases of the Eye 2nd edition Traboulsi 2011
Glaucoma – Current Clinical and Research Aspects Gunvant 2011
Glaucoma Diagnosis Structure And Function Weinreb, Greve 2004
Glaucoma Science and Practice Morrison, Pollack 2003
Glaucoma Surgery Bettin, Khaw 2012
Glaucoma Volume 1 Medical Diagnosis and Therapy Shaarawy, Sherwood, Crowston 2009
Gonioscopy Faschinger, Hommer 2012
Graves’ Orbitopathy A Multidisciplinary Approach Wiersinga, Kahaly 2007
Guidelines on Design and Reporting of Glaucoma Surgical Trials Shaarawry, Sherwood, Grehn 2009
Hereditary retinal disease Boon 2009
Hereditary Retinopathies Progress in Development of Genetic and Molecular Therapies Humphries, Tam, Farrar, Kenna, Campbell, Kiang 2012
Illustrated Tutorials in Ophthalmology Kanski, Bolton 2001
Image Processing in Optical Coherence Tomography using Matlab Koprowski, Zygmunt, Wrobel 2011
Instant Clinical Diagnosis in Ophthalmology Anterior Segment Diseases Garg, Rosen 2008
Instant Clinical Diagnosis in Ophthalmology Refractive Surgery Garg, Rosen 2009
Introduction to Ophthalmic Optics Meister, Sheedy 2002
Issues in ophthalmic practice Current and future challenges Watkinson 2009
Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series CORNEALTOPOGRAPHY Agarwal, Jacob 2009
Jaypee Gold Standard mini Atlas Series Lasik Aragawal, Jacob 2009
Keratitis Srinivasan 2012
Keratoconus Sugery and Cross-Linking Pinelli, Leccisotti 2008
Keratoplasties – Surgical Techniques and Complications Mosca 2011
Lecture Notes Ophthalmology 11th edition James, Bron 2012
Lens Design Fundamentals 2nd edition Kingslake, Johnson 2009
Low vision rehabilitation Scheiman 2006
Macular Surgery 2nd edition Quiroz-Mercado, Kerrison, Virgil Alfaro, Mieler, Liggett 2011
Management of Complications in Ophthalmic Surgery Boyd, Wu 2009
Management of strabismus and amblyopia 2nd edition Pratt-Johnson, Tillson 2001
Manual of Squint Ahuja 2008
Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery Garg, Gutierrez-Carmona, Fry, Sahu, Ravindra 2008
Master’s Guide to Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS) Garg 2009
Mastering Corneal Collagen Cross-linking Techniques (C3-R CCL CxL) Garg, Kanellopoulos, O’Brart, Lovisolo, Pinelli 2008
Mastering the Techniques of Lens Based Refractive Surgery (Phakic IOLs) Garg, Alio, Dementiev 2005
Mechanisms of the Glaucomas Shields, Tombran-Tink, Barnstable 2008
Medical Contact Lens Practice Millis 2005
Medical Treatment of Glaucoma Weinreb, Liebmann 2010
Mohs Micrographic Surgery Nouri 2012
Natural Eye Care An Encyclopedia Complementary Treatments for Improving and Saving Your Eyes Grossman, Swartwout 1999
Neuro-Ophthalmology 3rd edition Glaser 1999
Neuro-Ophthalmology Kidd, Newman, Biousse 2008
New Treatments in Noninfectious Uveitis Miserocchi, Modorati, Foster 2012
Novel Drug Delivery Approaches in Dry Eye Syndrome Therapy Souto, Doktorovova 2010
Ocular Allergy, An Issue of Immunology and Allergy Clinics Bielory 2008
Ocular Disease Mechanisms and Management Levin, Albert 2010
Ophthalmic Surgery Saxena 2008
Ophthalmic Ultrasound A Diagnostic Atlas 2nd edition DiBernardo, Greenberg 2006
Ophthalmology Colour Guide 2nd edition Kanski 1997
Ophthalmology Fact Fixer Chua, Chua, Voon, Goel 2002
Ophthalmology Review Case-Study Approach Singh, Smiddy, Lee 2001
Ophtho Notes The Essential Guide Goodman 2003
Orthoptic Assessment and Management 2nd edition Stidwill 1998
Pediatric Clinical Ophthalmology A Color Handbook Olitsky, Nelson 2012
Pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus 2nd edition Wright, Spiegel 2003
Pediatric Opthalmology Mukherjee 2005
Pediatric Retina Medical and Surgical Approaches Hartnett 2005
Perceiving in Depth Basic Mechanisms Volume 1 Howard 2012
Perceiving in Depth Other Mechanisms of Depth Perception Volume 3 Howard 2012
Perceiving in Depth Stereoscopic Vision Volume 2 Howard, Rogers 2012
Phacoemulsification Agarwal 2007
Pocket Textbook Atlas Of Ophthalmology Lang, Thieme 2000
Practical Ophthalmology A Manual for the Beginning Ophthalmology Residents 4th edition Wilson 1996
Practical Ophthalmology A Manual for the Beginning Ophthalmology Residents 5th edition Wilson 2005
Progression of Glaucoma Weinreb, Garway-Heath, Leung, Crowston, Medeiros 2011
Ptosis Surgery Biswas, Collin 2010
Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology Series Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery Nerad, Carter, Alford 2008
Rapid Diagnosis in Ophthalmology Series Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Strominger, Duker, Macsai 2007
Relearning To See Quackenbush 2000
Retinal and Choroidal Manifestations of Selected Systemic Diseases Arevalo 2012
Retinal Degenerations biology, diagnostics, and therapeutics Tombran-Tink, Barnstable 2007
Retinal Degenerative Diseases Laboratory and Therapeutic Investigations Anderson 2008
Retinal Dystrophies Functional Genomics to Gene Therapy Bock, Chader, Goode 2004
Retinal Vein Occlusions Evidence-Based Management Browning 2012
Retinoblastoma An Update on Clinical, Genetic Counseling, Epidemiology and Molecular Tumor Biology Kumaramanickavel 2012
Review of Ophthalmology Supplemental questions Friedman 2005
Scanning Laser Imaging of the Retina Basic Concepts and Clinical Applications Theelen 2011
Seeing De Valois 2000
Selected Topics in Optical Coherence Tomography Liu 2012
Sjogren’s Syndrome Diagnosis and Therapeutics Ramos-Casals, Stone, Moutsopoulos 2012
Sjogrens Syndrome Fox 2011